Hyperspermia Symptoms and Treatments
This is the condition when a man releases or produces an extremely large volume of semen or sperm than the normal volume of it. Semen or sperm is the liquid ejaculated during an orgasm. When it’s volume exceeds a mean value of 6.5ml, that condition is termed as hyperspermia.
This condition is rare but not that uncommon. Relatively 4–5% of male population in India suffer or are affected by this condition. This condition is completely opposite of hypospermia. In hypospermia, the semen volume is less than generally estimated one. It is nearly 1.5–2ml.
However hyperspermia doesn’t have any specific ill-effect or dangerous effect on a male’s health, but it reduces his sperm count or fertility. Semen is a mixture of sperm released from testes or testicles and other fluids from seminal vesicles and prostate. During hyperspermia, there is increase in the volume of semen which basically means production of more fluids from body which relatively the sperm volume in semen. And hence, reducing a man’s fertility.
The main sign of hyperspermia is the production of a large amount of semen than usual. However, there are other symptoms as given below :-
(i) Delay or pain during ejaculation
(ii) Fatigue, weakness or dizziness past-intercourse
(iii) Higher sexual drive or higher libido
(iv) The stretchiness of the penis
(v) Yellow coloured sperm discharge
(vi) Prolonged ejaculating period
Hyperspermia can affect a man’s fertility, but it doesn’t always. Some men who have a very high semen volume have less sperm than normal in the fluid they ejaculate. This makes the fluid more dilute.
Having a low sperm count decreases the chance that you’ll be able to fertilize one of your partner’s eggs. Although you can still get your partner pregnant, it may take longer than usual. If your semen volume is high but you still have a normal sperm count, hyperspermia shouldn’t affect your fertility. For a male to increase his sperm count, who is suffering from hyperspermia, all he needs to do is increase his diet containing protein and fiber. This will help in regulating or attaining fluid-sperm balance.
The worst after-effect of hyperspermia is it’s impact on fertility. The severe case of hyperspermia can render a man totally infertile. This can only be caused because of long-term harmful effect a body has undergone like steroids, performance enhancement drugs.
Besides, hyperspermia can also result in diminished sexual pleasure for both male and female partner. The couple might undergo stress or anxiety about sexual performance and it may give rise to marital or relationship problems due to unsatisfactory sex-life. Also, men can also suffer from it mentally and emotionally, due to loss of sexual pleasure and unsatisfactory sex-life.
Hyperspermia does not really affect anyone’s physical or biological health. And therefore, there aren’t any physical changes one undergoes because of it. This situation is often related to higher libido or higher desire of a male to have sexual inter-courses with a woman. Some say, diet and other changes in a person’s lifestyle can influence and bring upon the onset of this condition. High protein and fiber diets are known to inhence and increase the sex drive and semen production.
However, hyperspermia is associated with reduction in fertility. As hyperspermia is caused by increase in fluid content of an ejaculation, it causes the dilution of sperm, resulting in reduction of chances of conception.
Hyperspermia can also be caused by prolonged periods of abstinence or when a person doesn’t have any sexual inter-course for a long time. That’s how, it is associated with lack of fertility. Because of period of abstinence, the volume of body fluids increase and the dead or unhealthy sperms affect the health of healthy ones further reducing fertility.
Hyperspermia generally does not interfere with male fertility in most cases. Patients with this condition should nonetheless consult an urologist. If the patient suffers from infertility due to low sperm concentrations in the ejaculate, intrauterine insemination (IUI) or split ejaculate therapy are generally advised by the urologists.
Separating high concentration of sperm from semen and using it to impregnate the partner carries a higher chance of achieving a pregnancy. When to a lower esteem, just some minor changes in lifestyle and diet plans can help balance the sperm volume.
Diagnosis of hyperspermia may include :-
(i) Physical examination to check the male Reproductive organs
(ii) Semen analysis
(iii) Hormone test
(iv) Imaging
There is no specific known cure of hyperspermia, though hyperspermia that arises due to change in one’s lifestyle can be thoroughly avoided. This includes avoiding steroids, performance enhancing drugs, and diets extremely high in protein and fiber. For those experiencing prolonged hyperspermia, a visit to the urologist should be scheduled.
Suffering from infertility caused by hyperspermia, intrauterine insemination or split ejaculate therapy are very helpful and quite adequate in this matter and these two methods are first to be suggested by any doctor or urologist. Proper treatment or guidance in reference to hyperspermia can help in treatment for excessive seminal discharge and increase sperm count.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI):-
In some cases, fertility experts may remove or take away the healthy sperm from the patient’s reproductive tract or semen sample and inject it into his partner’s egg using In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) technique. Now a days these techniques are widely in use because of depletion in sexual health of the generation.
Semen Analysis
Semen analysis testing or a sperm count test is used to analyze the quality and number of a man’s sperm. Also it helps in finding out the ability of a sperm to fuse with the partner’s egg and it’s likelihood to be a healthy sperm. This test is performed to assess a man’s fertility and also the health, durability and viability of his sperms.
It requires freshly produced or extracted semen sample. For accuracy and better results, doctors or urologist test semen samples from patients more than one time, as the sperm count and their morbidity rate may vary from day-to-day and more than one test gives a better picture of patient’s semen sample.
Hormone Test
Hormones affect one’s interest in sexual-intercourses. Balanced or adequate amount of hormones in one’s body can help him in having a more satisfactory sex-life. The imbalance in hormone excretion from our body can have negative effects on one’s sexual health or his marital relationship with his partner.
Important hormones for reproduction are follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone (T) , as these hormones are main constituents of semen and help in keeping sperms in semen healthy and more productive. Right amount of these hormones indicate healthy sperm count, are more likely for a person to impregnate his partner.
1. What is hyperspermia and is it serious ?
Ans:- Hyperspermia is the condition when a man releases or produces an extremely large volume of semen or sperm than normal volume of it. In hyperspermia, the average semen volume that should be only about 3–5ml exceeds 6.3ml.
However hyperspermia doesn’t affect a man’s physical health, but it can take away one’s satisfaction from his sex-life. It can cause marital or relationship problems. Severe case of hyperspermia can render a man completely infertile.
2. What is hyperspermia and it’s symptoms?
Ans:- Hyperspermia is the condition when a man releases or produces an extremely large volume of semen or sperm than normal volume of it. In hyperspermia, the average semen volume that should be only about 3–5ml exceeds 6.3ml.
The main symptom of hyperspermia is the production of a large amount of semen than usual. However, there are other symptoms as given below :-
(i) Delay or pain during ejaculation
(ii) Fatigue, weakness or dizziness past-intercourse
(iii) Higher sexual drive or higher libido
(iv) The stretchiness of the penis
(v) Yellow coloured sperm discharge
(vi) Prolonged ejaculating period
3. I think I have hyperspermia. What should I do?
Ans:- When to a minor extent, small changes in one’s lifestyle are enough to get rid of hyperspermia, i.e. lifestyle, diet, and other changes, etc.
But when the case is severe, a visit or opinion of an expert urologist could never harm. There are various tests that can help find out if a person is really hyperspermia-affected or he has a normal fluid-imbalance.
4. What are the causes of hyperspermia ?
Ans:- Hyperspermia in one way can be related to a person’s lifestyle. A person with unhealthy life, i.e. taking drugs, steroids, performance enhancing drugs, etc. is more likely to have hyperspermia.
However a person who hasn’t had any sexual inter-course in a long time may also suffer from it because of fluid-sperm imbalance in the semen. Long periods of abstinence can lead to high fluid release from the body , reducing sperm count and further reducing a man’s fertility.
5. What is hormone testing for male infertility and reproduction?
Ans:- Important chemicals in your body, called hormones, control sperm production and their resultant strength and health. They also affect one’s interest in sex and his ability to have sex and impregnate his partner. Too much or too little of these hormones can cause problems with sperm production or ability of a person to ejaculate. Two important hormones for reproduction are follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone (T), as they help in keeping the sperms healthy and strong for longer periods of time.
Doctors may do blood work to check if one has the right amount of these hormones or if they are working properly. If indicated, doctors may check other hormone levels, including luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol, and prolactin as these hormones can also affect the production of sperms from testes and their volume can affect the sperm count in semen.
6. What is the procedure of a sperm analysis test ?
Ana:- Semen analysis is probably the first test one will be asked to perform. He will typically be asked to provide a semen sample by masturbating into a sterile glass jar. If masturbation is not acceptable, he is asked by doctor to provide a sample after he has had any intercourse.
The semen sample has to be tested within an hour of collection. One probably needs to make more than one visit to provide samples on more than one days more than two weeks apart, because samples from the same man can be different at different times or their health might be different from the prior one because of a recent change in lifestyle.
Collecting two samples makes it easier to tell if something really is wrong. He may be asked not to release sperm or ejaculate for 2 to 5 days before he provides a sample as this helps in getting a better resultant for sperm count, morbidity, health and their ability to impregnate a woman.
7. What is the treatment for excessive seminal discharge ?
Ans:- Large volume of seminal discharge may cause issues for the patient as well as his partner. Seminal discharge may be thick or thin in release depending on the fact that it is hyperspermia or hypospermia. The partners of such patients may feel uncomfortable or irritated by this change in semen release volume during ejaculation which in turn causes mental stress and psychological issues in the couple’s lives.
It is always best advised to consult an urologist who can help with the treatment procedures to reduce the seminal discharge volume or if the case is more serious, there are various techniques and procedures that can help the couple.
8. What is Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) ?
Ans:- ICSI is based on the principle of insertion of fresh and healthy sperms into a male’s testes or his reproductive tract. This process helps widely in attainment of a successful pregnancy. This process even eliminates the possibility of having weak or unhealthy sperms. In IVF, there might be a slight presence of unhealthy sperms. But this process is nearly overall perfect. The succes rate of this process is more than that of any other. As it involves the insertion of sperms in a male’s reproductive tract, and from there it will be successful in impregnating a woman.
9. What is IVF and how does it help someone ?
Ans:- In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) refers to a procedure where the woman’s eggs are removed from her ovaries and fertilised with the man’s sperm. The embryos formed are then put back into the uterus to achieve a successful pregnancy.
IVF was initially offered to patients with bilateral tubal block or if the male partner has an incurable case of hyperspermia. If the couple doesn’t want to use this method or is not too much supportive of it, there are other methods that can help in it, i.e., ovulation induction (OI) and intra-uterine insemination (IUI).
10. What might be the emotional effect of hyperspermia over a person ?
Ans:- Hyperspermia can result in diminished sexual pleasure for both male and female partner. The couple might undergo stress or anxiety about sexual performance and it may give rise to marital or relationship problems due to unsatisfactory sex-life. Also, men can also suffer from it mentally and emotionally, due to loss of sexual pleasure and unsatisfactory sex-life.