10 reasons why Renewmespa is best BHRT spa in Los Angeles
Nearly 1.4 million women in North America go for BHRT treatment in a year. It is so common and you have 21,560 Medspa treating this hormonal imbalance. But you must know all these Medspas never treat hormonal imbalance with risk free drugs. As many patients want to see immediate results, they use more number of fake drugs boost hormones quickly. Thus it results in causing breast cancer and stroke; to an extent death.
You must be cautious to choose the best spa gives risk free and effective treatments.
Before that, you must know what hormonal imbalance and BHRT treatment is.
Due to ageing, these hormones are produced less in a body. Estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone are the hormones decide the fine balance of the body. Women who are nearing their 50s generally suffer with menopause symptoms as they lack hormones. BHRT (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy) is replacing the hormones by manmade molecular compounds replicating the same pattern of natural hormones.
Here introduced the top BHRT treating Medspa in Los Angeles called Renewmespa.
Check below to know 10 reasons why Renewmespa is best BHRT spa in Los Angeles.
Effective treatment
On taking BHRT treatment, you can expect 25% of emotional stability, 25% of less irritation, and 22% less anxiety at the end of the treatment procedures. Renewmedspa achieves this effective result. In late 50s, this level of emotional and mental balance is much needed.
Researchers say that nowadays, women in 30s have this hormonal imbalance problem so early than before. Renewmespa can actually bring balance and stability in their life by relieving all symptoms. They make sure that they do not try any hook or crook to bring quick and immediate results.
Long lasting results
Renewmespa tries to equalize the lack of essential hormones in patients’ body. Indeed, the results are not permanent. Anyhow, you can have lasting effects for 7 long years. This long lasting effect will not be assuredly brought by any other Medspa.
There are patients who lost the effect of BHRT treatment within 6 months. It is something pathetic to undergo treatments again and again. On the other hand, it is waste of money. So, wisely choose expert treatment given at Renewmespa.
Relieve symptoms
BHRT treatment is taken to relieve symptoms due to hormonal imbalance. In general, hormonal Imbalance bring symptoms like,
· weight gain
· sleeplessness
· irritation
· low sexual libido
· wrinkles
· aged skin
· extreme mood swings
· menopause symptoms
These symptoms can only be relieved with limited dosage and right proportion of molecular compounds. Renewmespa prescribes BHRT pills and injections with care.
Treating from the root
Apart from pills and injections, it is necessary to concentrate on the serious problems patients facing due to hormonal imbalance. Renewmespa tries to cure the existing problems with
· Vitamin therapy
· Botox/fillers
· Hydra facial
· Micro needling
· Weight Loss program
These programs help to repair body and skin of patients to restore stability and youthful skin.
Risk free
BHRT treatment can cause potential risks and life threats. Breast cancer and stroke is the common problems come when the treatment goes wrong. Components used in BHRT pills are generally not safe. There are synthetic hormones available in market.
Due to long term consumption, patients may have blood clots, strokes and high blood pressure. Fake drugs are produced of a substance called Esteroidal compounds. They are minor feminine compounds that are duped by other market products. Renewmedspa assures safe and risk free medicines.
Safe treatment procedures
BHRT has non invasive treatment procedures. Generally, gynecologists, medical professionals and physicians prescribe these drugs. At RenewMe spa, there are trained experts and professionals help you more than your physicians. HRT drugs are taken in the form of
· Pills
· Patches
· Creams
· Gels
· Injections
Medicines include,
· Conjugated Estrogens (Premarin)
· Estradiol (estrace)
· Estratab
These pills must be taken in empty stomach before any food consumption. For better results, injections like,
· Estradiol cypionate
· Estradiol valerate are used in specific for women.
Many spas trick to use these injections quite often to show quick results. But Renewmespa suggests patients to take this injection between regular time intervals of three months. This shows their concern for customer than making more money.
FDA adherence
Food and Drug Administration sector strictly prohibits selling or using fake drugs. It is quite common to use duplicate man made hormones or synthetic hormones as a replacement in BHRT treatments. Renewmespa is very open about its treatment procedures and drugs used. Thus it ensures taking safety measures regarding the health of patients visiting them.
Cost effective
Comparatively Renewmespa gives BHRT treatments in a reasonable cost. Pricing is just $200-$500 per month. HIPPA compliant insurance is also available in Renewmespa. So, you can claim the money spent on BHRT treatment.
Zero side effects
Generally BHRT treatment includes temporary side effects like, Night sweats, vaginal dryness, vaginal bladder infections, sleeplessness, forgetting, and mood swings. They are expected side effects go within 1–3 days after treatment. Other than that, Renewmespa gives expert treatment with professional handling. So, you may not have any side effects.
Improve your skin
BHRT treatments include skin improvement. People having hormonal imbalance have brings dry, itchy, thin and fragile skin. Thus their skin loses natural moisture, elasticity and hydration. As a result they grow more wrinkles and fine lines excessively.
On taking BHRT treatment, you can restore the epidermal layer of skin. Estrogen is a good skin collagen secretes natural sebum. So, you get thick, elastic and hydrated skin at the end of the treatment. RenewMe assures 30% extra collagen and 7% of wrinkle reduction result in your skin. Thus you can restore your youthful skin once again.
Renewmespa thus ensures
· Strong libido
· Mental clarity
· Decreased anxiety and depression symptoms
· Emotional well being
· Weight loss
· Healthy skin
· Preventing Osteoporosis
· Improved joint health
Book your appointment now and visit renewmespa.com for more information!